Category: Life tips

11 Super Simple Staycation Ideas for the Perfect Cozy Escape (At Home!)

11 Super Simple Staycation Ideas for the Perfect Cozy Escape (At Home!)

Ditch the crowds, ditch the plane ticket. Dreaming of a getaway but stuck at home? This summer, skip the stress and create a luxurious escape without leaving your front door. We've got all the staycation inspiration you need to transform your humble abode into a resort-worthy retreat. Cosy House is here to help you unwind in comfort with our top 11 staycation ideas—because self-care shouldn't require a passport. Get ready to relax, recharge, and rediscover the joy of cozying up...

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The Secret to Sweet Dreams: Mastering the Art of Sleep Hygiene

The Secret to Sweet Dreams: Mastering the Art of Sleep Hygiene

Are you tired of counting sheep, only to find yourself wide awake, tossing and turning through the night? Do you wake up like a zombie, stumbling through your day with...

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The Ultimate Guide to Whitening Yellowed Sheets

The Ultimate Guide to Whitening Yellowed Sheets

Ever wake up to once-crisp white sheets that now sport a suspicious yellow tinge? You're not alone!  While it may seem like a hygiene issue, this common problem has a...

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The Ultimate Guide to Washing and Caring for Your Bed Sheets

The Ultimate Guide to Washing and Caring for Your Bed Sheets

Washing your bed sheets might not be the most thrilling task on your to-do list, but it's a crucial step in maintaining a clean and cozy sleep oasis. And we...

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5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Guestroom for the 2023 Holidays

5 Easy Ways to Elevate Your Guestroom for the 2023 Holidays

As the holiday season approaches and you anticipate hosting friends and family, creating a warm and inviting guestroom is essential. You don't need to break the bank to provide a...

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5 Ways to Prep Your Home for the Holidays

5 Ways to Prep Your Home for the Holidays

The weather is shifting and the holidays are just around the corner. Between changing up your home decor, gathering your holiday decorations, deciding when to decorate, preparing for guests, and...

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7 Affordable Ways to Spruce Up Your Home

7 Affordable Ways to Spruce Up Your Home

Does your home need a little pick-me-up, but you don't have a lot of money to spend? Not to fret.  We’ve compiled a list of 10 wallet-friendly ways to spruce...

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How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off When Buying Bed Sheets

How to Avoid Getting Ripped Off When Buying Bed Sheets

When it comes to buying bed sheets, there are a lot of factors to consider. Thread count is one of the most common metrics used to measure quality, but it's...

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Suffering From Night Sweats? Here's What You Need to Know

Suffering From Night Sweats? Here's What You Need to Know

Do you wake up in a pool of sweat? Do you have to change your sheets multiple times a night? If so, you might be suffering from night sweats. Night...

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You Should Skip Fabric Softeners and Dryer Sheets: Find Out Why

You Should Skip Fabric Softeners and Dryer Sheets: Find Out Why

Fabric softeners and dryer sheets are two of the most common laundry products on the market. But did you know that they can actually be harmful to your clothes, your...

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A Breath of Fresh Air: 3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom

A Breath of Fresh Air: 3 Ways to Freshen Up Your Bedroom

Do you wake up feeling refreshed and energized? Or do you wake up sluggish and overwhelmed with your environment? If you answered yes to the latter, then your bedroom may...

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College Comforts Gift Guide: Cosy Gifts to Help Your Kid Get Settled In

College Comforts Gift Guide: Cosy Gifts to Help Your Kid Get Settled In

Congratulations to your student on their acceptance to college! Now it's time to start thinking about what to get them for their big move. Whether they're a freshman or a...

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3 Simple Ways To Keep Sheets Clean

3 Simple Ways To Keep Sheets Clean

Do you want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day? Then it's time to start taking better care of your bed sheets! Dirty sheets can...

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5 Back-To-School Sleep Schedule Tips

5 Back-To-School Sleep Schedule Tips

Back to school is just around the corner, which means it's time to get your kids' sleep schedules back on track. After all, sleep is essential for learning and memory....

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Easy Ways to Cool Down Your House (And Yourself) Without AC

Easy Ways to Cool Down Your House (And Yourself) Without AC

Summer is coming, and it’s getting hotter. Your house is probably already feeling the effects of this new season. You may be tempted to turn the dial on your AC,...

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3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and it's something that we should all be talking about year-round. If you're feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, there are things...

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3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

3 Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health

May was Mental Health Awareness Month. But awareness for mental health doesn’t stop in May—it should be an ongoing discussion. Your mental health is just as important as your physical...

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Summer Bedroom Cleaning Tips: How to Freshen Up Your Space for the Season

Summer Bedroom Cleaning Tips: How to Freshen Up Your Space for the Season

When summer rolls around, the last thing on your mind is cleaning your bedroom. We get it. Who wants to trade sunny days in for scrubbing? However, that messy clutter...

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5 Indoor Activities for The Family to Beat The Heat

5 Indoor Activities for The Family to Beat The Heat

It’s that time of year when things are starting to heat up outside. With it being this hot, it’s easy to overheat or get sunburnt in the balmy sun. If...

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Working From Home? How to Be Cozy While You Work

Working From Home? How to Be Cozy While You Work

Working from home has become a new norm for many people over the past couple of years. Working remotely allows for flexibility plus the luxury that is the comfort of...

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Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

There are many reasons why one may have extra bedding in their home, whether it's to fit the seasons or you tend to redecorate often. But as your bedding collection...

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Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

We all know getting a good night’s rest is crucial to living a happy, healthy life. But did you know your bedroom could affect not only how you sleep, but...

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10 Ways to Use Kitchen Flour Sack Towels

10 Ways to Use Kitchen Flour Sack Towels

Kitchen flour sack towels. The one household item everyone needs. Why? Because these aren’t just your average kitchen towels.  Kitchen flour sack towels may not sound like an exciting kitchen...

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Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

If you share your home with your furry best friend, sometimes it can be hard to keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean. You know the drill—pet hair, weird...

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How to Stay Productive on Rainy Days

How to Stay Productive on Rainy Days

Did you know that rainy days can make you feel more sleepy? The lack of light due to gray skies and rain clouds affects our brains, making us feel drowsy...

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How to Choose the Best Comforter for Hot Sleepers

How to Choose the Best Comforter for Hot Sleepers

If you’re a hot sleeper, you know the struggle of finding comfort at night. You may crank up the air conditioning or sleep with minimal bedding just so you can...

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7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

Memory foam mattresses are great for those looking for added support and love the comfortable cradle-like feeling they can provide. However, did you know that the same properties that make...

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Do You Actually Need a Mattress Protector?

Do You Actually Need a Mattress Protector?

Life gets messy. But one thing in your house that you should ultimately try to avoid getting too messy is your mattress. Your sleep quality affects your quality of life,...

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Benefits of a Body Pillow

Benefits of a Body Pillow

There is nothing worse than waking up feeling stiff, sore, and exhausted from restless nights. And unfortunately, your sleeping position and posture probably have something to do with it.  If...

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5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

Some of us may be getting ready to go into full hibernation mode this winter season, while others are getting ready to start their annual struggle of trying to get...

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Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Whether you’re a student trying to make it by on coffee alone or an average adult with a busy schedule, you are probably among the vast majority of Americans that...

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The Benefits of A Weighted Blanket

The Benefits of A Weighted Blanket

Are you prone to anxiety? Are you one of many that have exhaustingly long days at work? Looking for ways to unwind and calm down for a better night’s rest?...

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Wool Dryer Balls Are Safer Than Most Dryer Sheets

Wool Dryer Balls Are Safer Than Most Dryer Sheets

Nothing is better than fresh, clean, and soft laundry straight out of the dryer—especially laundry that smells heavenly.  Doing laundry has probably become second nature to you. Wash, throw your...

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4 Ways to Say Goodbye To Frustrating Night Sweats

4 Ways to Say Goodbye To Frustrating Night Sweats

Waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat is no fun. From the late-night changing of wet pajamas to the soaked sheets you wake up in, something...

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How to Manage Pet Allergies in the Home

How to Manage Pet Allergies in the Home

More than 60 percent of households in the U.S. have at least one pet, with the majority owning cats or dogs. Unfortunately, a large percentage of pet owners are actually...

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5 Ways to Naturally Freshen and Soften Laundry

5 Ways to Naturally Freshen and Soften Laundry

The washer is supposed to clean and freshen your clothes, not leave them smelling moldy! If you aren’t happy with the way your clothes smell after coming out of the...

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4 Effects of Poor Sleep

4 Effects of Poor Sleep

We all know that sleep is incredibly important for our wellbeing, but we also tend to value other activities more than resting. Not getting enough sleep every night doesn't just...

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How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

There’s a reason we typically get sleepy at the same time every night and wake up at a similar time every morning even without setting our alarms. Our bodies tend...

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Mattress Myths You Need to STOP Believing

Mattress Myths You Need to STOP Believing

Sleep一we spend a third of our lives doing it. It’s only right that we invest in the best mattress and bedding so that we can wake up every morning well-rested....

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Does Sleep Change With Age?

Does Sleep Change With Age?

There’s nothing quite like waking up well rested after a full night of sleep. For some people, that’s 10 hours and, for others, it’s only 6. Whatever amount of sleep...

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The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

The Cosy Bedding Style Guide

Are you redesigning your bedroom and not sure where to begin? The easiest place to start is the focal point of the bedroom, which is—you guessed it—the bed! A bedroom...

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How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

We may be in the midst of summer, but it’s never too late to begin your spring cleaning. In fact, a clean, organized home has been found to reduce stress...

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Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

A well-designed bedroom serves a bigger purpose than just looking good. It promotes better rest, success, happiness, and overall togetherness in your life. No pressure, right?  It doesn’t need to...

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The Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

The Ultimate Stain Removal Guide

Life gets messy and accidents happen. Surely, many of us have experienced pure panic after a spill and have frantically searched “how to remove _______ stains” on the internet.  Luckily,...

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The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

Life gets messy, and odds are one of the last things you want to get messy is your mattress. Especially since, on average, we spend a third of our lives...

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Your Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide

Your Ultimate Spring Cleaning Guide

Spring, the season of renewal! It is time to rid yourself of that winter sluggish feeling and take part in the age-old tradition of Spring Cleaning. Not much feels quite as satisfying as...

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7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of human life. It’s a time for your body to relax, rest, and recuperate. What if we told you something simple may be disrupting your...

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How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

The mattress is the foundation of a good night’s sleep - literally! But how well are you caring for your mattress? Chances are you’ve never given your mattress a second...

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5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

Dream interpretation is not a new phenomenon. However, as humans have become more and more aware of what they are dreaming about, patterns have begun to emerge that may explain...

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7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

You wake up in the middle of the night. You’re tired, but your mind won’t stop racing. You turn over to your side, then the other side, and back again....

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