Category: Sleep

Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

We all know getting a good night’s rest is crucial to living a happy, healthy life. But did you know your bedroom could affect not only how you sleep, but also your mental health?  May is Mental Health Awareness Month. So what better time to shed light on how your bedroom space can play a role in affecting your mental space?  Keep reading to learn why your bedroom may not best suit your mental health and ways you can transform your...

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Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

If you share your home with your furry best friend, sometimes it can be hard to keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean. You know the drill—pet hair, weird...

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How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

Spring is in the air and April is upon us, which means National Decorating Month is upon us, too. It’s the perfect time to start prepping for friends and family...

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How to Choose the Best Comforter for Hot Sleepers

How to Choose the Best Comforter for Hot Sleepers

If you’re a hot sleeper, you know the struggle of finding comfort at night. You may crank up the air conditioning or sleep with minimal bedding just so you can...

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It's Time to Ditch These 5 Sleeping Habits

It's Time to Ditch These 5 Sleeping Habits

Did you know that roughly 50 to 70 million U.S. adults don't get enough sleep or have chronic sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia? [3] We’ve all struggled with...

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Is It Good to Drink Water Before Bed?

Is It Good to Drink Water Before Bed?

You’ve heard of the midnight snacks, the nightcaps, and the warm glasses of milk. Ever heard of taking a big swig of cool water right before bed to help you...

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Impact of Sleep on Fitness

Impact of Sleep on Fitness

When people think about taking care of their bodies, they most often think about working out, eating healthy foods, drinking water, and even performing skincare routines. However, people may forget...

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5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

Some of us may be getting ready to go into full hibernation mode this winter season, while others are getting ready to start their annual struggle of trying to get...

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Daylight Savings Sleep Tips

Daylight Savings Sleep Tips

During every second Sunday in March, our clocks go forward one hour for Daylight Savings Time, making our mornings darker and our nights brighter. For eight months of the year,...

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Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Are 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Whether you’re a student trying to make it by on coffee alone or an average adult with a busy schedule, you are probably among the vast majority of Americans that...

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8 Quick Tips to Fall Asleep Fast

8 Quick Tips to Fall Asleep Fast

It is often frustrating to lie in bed without being able to fall asleep. Whether you are feeling tired or have an early morning, you can’t seem to close your...

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8 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

8 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

Do your nights consist of struggling to fall asleep and waking up easily? Are you waking up feeling tired and groggy? Well, you’re not alone – although waking up in...

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5 Dorm Room Essentials for Your College Student

5 Dorm Room Essentials for Your College Student

Even though moving to college is new and exciting, it can be difficult to feel at home in a new environment. It takes time to get used to the change...

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How To Sleep Better: 4 Science-Backed Tips

How To Sleep Better: 4 Science-Backed Tips

Studies have shown that about a third of Americans wake up feeling groggy due to a lack of sleep. Normal sleeping habits involve getting about 7 to 9 hours of...

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4 Ways to Say Goodbye To Frustrating Night Sweats

4 Ways to Say Goodbye To Frustrating Night Sweats

Waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat is no fun. From the late-night changing of wet pajamas to the soaked sheets you wake up in, something...

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How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

Struggling with random neck pain? While it may seem incurable, there's likely an easy switch you can make to ease your pain. Sleeping on the wrong pillow or, even worse,...

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4 Effects of Poor Sleep

4 Effects of Poor Sleep

We all know that sleep is incredibly important for our wellbeing, but we also tend to value other activities more than resting. Not getting enough sleep every night doesn't just...

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How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

How to Fix Your Sleep Schedule

There’s a reason we typically get sleepy at the same time every night and wake up at a similar time every morning even without setting our alarms. Our bodies tend...

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Does Sleep Change With Age?

Does Sleep Change With Age?

There’s nothing quite like waking up well rested after a full night of sleep. For some people, that’s 10 hours and, for others, it’s only 6. Whatever amount of sleep...

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5 Dorm Room Gifts for Your College Student

5 Dorm Room Gifts for Your College Student

For most young people, college is a new and exciting chapter in their life. While it’s fun to meet new people and try new activities, the transition from living in...

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Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

Choosing the Perfect Bedroom Color Palette

A well-designed bedroom serves a bigger purpose than just looking good. It promotes better rest, success, happiness, and overall togetherness in your life. No pressure, right?  It doesn’t need to...

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The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

Life gets messy, and odds are one of the last things you want to get messy is your mattress. Especially since, on average, we spend a third of our lives...

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7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

7 Foods That Will RUIN Your Sleep

Sleep is an essential part of human life. It’s a time for your body to relax, rest, and recuperate. What if we told you something simple may be disrupting your...

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5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

5 Common Dreams and What They Mean

Dream interpretation is not a new phenomenon. However, as humans have become more and more aware of what they are dreaming about, patterns have begun to emerge that may explain...

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7 Tips for Keeping Cool at Night

7 Tips for Keeping Cool at Night

Have you ever struggled to fall asleep because you just got too hot? For many people, this is a nightly occurrence. It can be incredibly disheartening and frustrating to not...

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10 Foods to Help You Sleep Soundly

10 Foods to Help You Sleep Soundly

Are you having trouble falling asleep? What about staying asleep? While we don’t normally advocate for a midnight run to the fridge, there are plenty of foods that scientists have...

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7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

7 Tips for Getting Back to Sleep

You wake up in the middle of the night. You’re tired, but your mind won’t stop racing. You turn over to your side, then the other side, and back again....

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How to Fix 6 Common Sleep Problems

How to Fix 6 Common Sleep Problems

Do you struggle with sleep? If data can be believed, an average of 164 million Americans has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep every night. While there is a myriad...

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Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Sleep?

Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Sleep?

In the last few months, the term “Insomnia” has risen to be one of the most popular Google Search terms. It’s safe to say that COVID-19 has become the driving...

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Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Dreams?

Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Dreams?

Have you ever had a weird dream? Chances are high that if you weren’t having odd dreams before, you certainly are now. With the rise of Coronavirus, sleep professionals have...

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What is REM Sleep?

What is REM Sleep?

During sleep, the brain and body are not idle. In fact, they are incredibly active, especially during REM sleep. Chances are, you’ve never heard of REM. However, REM sleep is...

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A Bedroom Designed for Sleep

A Bedroom Designed for Sleep

Getting the perfect night’s sleep has become somewhat elusive for many Americans. It can be a struggle to stop the tossing and turning. Have you ever wondered if your bedroom...

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Should Your Pets Sleep in Your Bed?

Should Your Pets Sleep in Your Bed?

Did you know that in the United States over 85 million families own at least one pet?* With American’s love of animals, there are many people and many families that...

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What Happens When You Sleep?

What Happens When You Sleep?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you sleep? Most of us drift into interesting and sometimes fantastical dreams that get forgotten by morning. But there’s more to sleep than...

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Rules for Healthy Sleep

Rules for Healthy Sleep

We all know that sleep is important and everything about the way in which we sleep and our sleeping arrangements are incredibly important. Not all sleep is created equal though....

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How to Fight Insomnia

How to Fight Insomnia

Insomnia is not as rare as you might think. In fact, 1 in every 4 Americans experience some form of insomnia during their lifetime.* As frustrating as it can be...

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7 Tips for Waking Up Early

7 Tips for Waking Up Early

You’ve always wanted to have a productive morning routine. Getting up early, getting ready, taking a stroll with the dog, and sitting down to breakfast, the whole time feeling relaxed...

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10 Healthy Sleep Tips

10 Healthy Sleep Tips

Let’s face it; sleeping can be hard! Falling asleep, staying asleep, waking up on time, and the like are all problems that humans face every day. What if we told...

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What Happens When You Don't Sleep

What Happens When You Don't Sleep

Sleep is an important part of staying healthy. We need 8-10 hours and blissful, uninterrupted sleep to really take on the challenges of everyday life. But what happens when you...

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Yoga for Better Sleep

Yoga for Better Sleep

Falling asleep is tough. We totally get it! Just like you, we’re on the search for the best methods for falling asleep quickly. No one wants to be up past...

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Lose Sleep, Lose Your Sanity

Lose Sleep, Lose Your Sanity

We all know sleep is important, especially as we get older. With our lives becoming more and more hectic, it can be easy to skip on sleep in an effort...

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4 Tips for Keeping Warm at Night

4 Tips for Keeping Warm at Night

Maybe it’s the raging winter or maybe it’s an overpowered air conditioner, but somehow you find yourself cold every single night. You’ve layered every blanket in the house, but nothing...

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5 Common Sleep Myths DEBUNKED

5 Common Sleep Myths DEBUNKED

Did you know that ⅓ of your life is spent sleeping? Imagine that, ⅓ of your life will pass without you even being conscious of it. There are thousands of...

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Too Hot in Bed? Try This!

Too Hot in Bed? Try This!

As relaxing as sleeping is, it can be a nightmare when you can’t get comfortable. Tossing, turning, throwing off the covers, then throwing them back on. We understand the struggle....

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Are Naps Healthy?

Are Naps Healthy?

From babies, to toddlers, to their sleepless parents, who doesn’t love a good nap?  When I was younger, I used to turn my nose up at naps. “That’s for babies!”...

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Tips for Getting to Sleep Faster

Tips for Getting to Sleep Faster

Imagine laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, physically tired but unable to sleep. Time ticks by and you can’t help but imagine the hours of sleep you’re losing because...

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What Your Sleep Style Says About You

What Your Sleep Style Says About You

Fetal Fetal is one of the most popular sleep positions, with 41% of people reporting this as their go-to position. This position involves curling up on one’s side with arms...

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Products That Solve Your Common Sleep Problems

Products That Solve Your Common Sleep Problems

We all have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep from time to time. Unfortunately, some of us experience nightly problems which make it consistently difficult to sleep. What if there...

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