A woman is under a blanket.

What Your Sleep Style Says About You


Fetal is one of the most popular sleep positions, with 41% of people reporting this as their go-to position. This position involves curling up on one’s side with arms and legs tucked in, similar to how a baby lays in the womb. 

A woman sleeping in a fetal position.

Pros - The fetal position allows for the spline to rest in a curved alignment, which may feel more natural for some people. It also encourages easy breathing. This is a great position for pregnant women, as it encourages circulation and reduces stress, especially when lying on the left side. 

Cons - Being crunched up too much while you sleep can inhibit proper breathing and obstruct the diaphragm. It’s a position that can also cause soreness, especially for those with joint problems. 

Fix It - The main issue comes from being too squished in the fetal position. The simple solution is to grab a pillow to help you spread out more. Take one of our luxury bamboo pillows and adjust the stuffing til it’s a firm or medium fill. Then get into the fetal positions and hug the pillow in front of you. The firmness of the pillow will prevent you from bringing your legs up too high and interfering with your breathing. 

A woman sleeping sideways while hugging a pillow.


Back sleeping is one of the least popular, with only 8% of people claiming to enjoy it. This position is exactly what it sounds like: lying on your back, arms down at the sides. This position is also commonly called the Soldier. 

A woman sleeping on her back.

Pros - Sleeping on your back is fantastic for keeping your neck and back aligned. This is great for the spine. It can also help those with acid reflux, specifically when paired with elevated or stack pillows. 

Cons - Sleeping on your back is not recommended for anyone who has sleep apnea, as it causes more weight to fall on the airway. Laying on your back typically causes your tongue to relax back toward your throat, stopping the air from getting through easily. This position is also not recommended for anyone who snores as, again, it can cause you to pass less air through your throat. 

Fix It - As long as you don’t suffer from sleep apnea, there’s no reason to avoid sleeping on your back. To make the position more comfortable and to help your back stay aligned, place a firm pillow under your knees to keep them elevated. 

Another view of the woman sleeping on her back.


Side sleeping, whether left or right, is the most popular position at 44% of people using it nightly. Side sleeping is when you lay on the right or left side of your body with your arms against your body. For most people it’s a very comfortable position. 

A woman sleeping sideways.

Pros - Similar to sleeping on your back, side sleeping allows your back to stay aligned. It can also help cut back on sleep apnea symptoms and back pain. 

Cons - If you aren’t careful, sleeping on your side can lead to pain in your arms should you lay on top of them. Sleeping on your limbs can lead them “falling asleep” and you experiencing numbness and a “pins and needles” sensation. 

Fix It - This is already a fantastic position to sleep in, but if you’re looking to enhance your spine alignment. Place a firm pillow or rolled up blanket between your knees while you sleep to keep your spine straight. 

A woman sleeping sideways with a pillow tucked in her legs.


Stomach sleeping is possibly the least popular sleeping position. This position can be achieved by laying on your stomach, arms down toward your sides and face turned either left or right. 

A woman sleeping in a prone position.

Pros - Unlike most of these sleep positions, there are very few pros. Snoring can be avoided in this position. 

Cons - Unfortunately, this sleep position comes with a laundry list of problems. To start, stomach sleeping can cause, if not exacerbate, back and neck pain. This is because it’s hard to keep a neutral spine when sleeping on your stomach. You’re also much more likely to toss and turn since your body will want to get out of the discomfort of stomach sleeping. 

Fix It - The best course of action is to avoid sleeping on your stomach all together. If it can’t be avoided, place a soft pillow at your forehead and sleep with your head facing the mattress. This is the best chance for keeping your spine aligned. 

Another view of the woman sleeping on her stomach.


The starfish is similar to sleeping on the back, with a few changes. To sleep in starfish, lay on your back and your legs spread and arms spread to the side, away from your body. Alternately, you can have your arms spread above your head. 

A woman sleeping in a starfish position.

Pros - Since you’re on your back, this is good for curbing acid reflux. Keeping your spine in alignment is also easy since your flat on your back. 

Cons - Again, this is not the position you want to be in if you are prone to snoring or sleep apnea. It can make an existing problem worse, so it’s better to opt for side sleeping. 

Fix It - The best way to make this position work for you is to combine a supportive mattress with a pillow under your knees. It will keep you back supported and aligned. 

Another view of the woman sleeping in a starfish position.

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A woman is pictured asleep, with the promotional code BLOG10 in all uppercase letters, no spaces, appearing on her right side.

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