Category: Pillow

8 Summer Décor Tips to Make Your House Look (& Feel) Cool

8 Summer Décor Tips to Make Your House Look (& Feel) Cool

Is your house THE house for summertime fun and hangout seshes when the kids are home for vacation? What about having the adults come over for a well-deserved summer party? What about both the kids AND the adults? No matter who you are hosting this summer now is the time to start prepping.  With the heat turning up, you’re going to want to impress your guests by making your home a cool and comfortable oasis. But, how can you do...

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Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

Tips & Tricks for Storing Extra Bedding

There are many reasons why one may have extra bedding in their home, whether it's to fit the seasons or you tend to redecorate often. But as your bedding collection...

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Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

Is Your Bedroom Affecting Your Mental Health? 9 Tips to Turn Your Room into a Sanctuary

We all know getting a good night’s rest is crucial to living a happy, healthy life. But did you know your bedroom could affect not only how you sleep, but...

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Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! It’s the perfect time to shower Mom with appreciation, adoration, and some super sweet presents. After all, moms are some of the hardest...

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Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

If you share your home with your furry best friend, sometimes it can be hard to keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean. You know the drill—pet hair, weird...

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How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

How to Get Your Home Ready for a Great First Impression

Spring is in the air and April is upon us, which means National Decorating Month is upon us, too. It’s the perfect time to start prepping for friends and family...

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Hair Breakage (or Frizz)? Your Bedding Might Be to Blame!

Hair Breakage (or Frizz)? Your Bedding Might Be to Blame!

We’re all used to the frizzy hair-warm weather combo. It’s something that just can’t be avoided. But what about the frizz that persists all year round? Where is that coming...

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7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

Memory foam mattresses are great for those looking for added support and love the comfortable cradle-like feeling they can provide. However, did you know that the same properties that make...

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Benefits of a Body Pillow

Benefits of a Body Pillow

There is nothing worse than waking up feeling stiff, sore, and exhausted from restless nights. And unfortunately, your sleeping position and posture probably have something to do with it.  If...

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5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

5 Tips for Sleeping Great During Winter

Some of us may be getting ready to go into full hibernation mode this winter season, while others are getting ready to start their annual struggle of trying to get...

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5 Signs it's Time to Replace your Pillow

5 Signs it's Time to Replace your Pillow

Pillows are an optimal factor in our sleep quality. However, you might not be aware that pillows have a shelf life – and it’s not very long. So when was...

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Social Media Interior Design Trends We Love

Social Media Interior Design Trends We Love

Social media is full of delicious recipes, fun dance videos, and relatable content. But what you may not notice is that it’s also a great place to look for home...

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How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

How Your Pillow Affects Your Quality of Sleep

Struggling with random neck pain? While it may seem incurable, there's likely an easy switch you can make to ease your pain. Sleeping on the wrong pillow or, even worse,...

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How to Choose the Best Pillow

How to Choose the Best Pillow

Tell us if this sounds like your experience: You decide you need a new pillow, so you hop on the internet and do a quick Google search. “What is the...

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6 Facts You Didn't Know About Pillows

6 Facts You Didn't Know About Pillows

Take a look at the nearest pillow. Seems like a pretty ordinary object, right? What if we told you not only have pillows been around for centuries, but there are...

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You Need to Change Your Pillow...and Here's Why

You Need to Change Your Pillow...and Here's Why

Stop. When’s the last time you replaced your pillow? Not the pillowcase, the pillow.  If you’re like the millions of Americans that purchase bedding every year, chances are you haven’t...

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