Category: Mattress

Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother's Day Gift Guide - Cosy House Edition

Mother’s Day is right around the corner! It’s the perfect time to shower Mom with appreciation, adoration, and some super sweet presents. After all, moms are some of the hardest workers out there—they deserve it. Moms also don’t always have to be blood—you might have an important woman in your life that has taken that role on for you. Why not show her a little love for all she has done?  So, whoever Mom might be in your life, it’s...

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Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

Pet Parent? 8 Things You Need to Help Keep Your Home Fresh

If you share your home with your furry best friend, sometimes it can be hard to keep it looking and feeling fresh and clean. You know the drill—pet hair, weird...

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7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

7 Tips to Make a Memory Foam Mattress Cooler

Memory foam mattresses are great for those looking for added support and love the comfortable cradle-like feeling they can provide. However, did you know that the same properties that make...

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Do You Actually Need a Mattress Protector?

Do You Actually Need a Mattress Protector?

Life gets messy. But one thing in your house that you should ultimately try to avoid getting too messy is your mattress. Your sleep quality affects your quality of life,...

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Mattress Myths You Need to STOP Believing

Mattress Myths You Need to STOP Believing

Sleep一we spend a third of our lives doing it. It’s only right that we invest in the best mattress and bedding so that we can wake up every morning well-rested....

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How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

How Often Should You Wash EVERYTHING?

We may be in the midst of summer, but it’s never too late to begin your spring cleaning. In fact, a clean, organized home has been found to reduce stress...

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The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

The Marvel of Mattress Protectors

Life gets messy, and odds are one of the last things you want to get messy is your mattress. Especially since, on average, we spend a third of our lives...

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How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

How to Properly Clean Your Mattress

The mattress is the foundation of a good night’s sleep - literally! But how well are you caring for your mattress? Chances are you’ve never given your mattress a second...

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This is Why You Need a Mattress Protector

This is Why You Need a Mattress Protector

On average, we spend a third of our lives asleep. That means that the mattress you’re sleeping on is one of the most important investments you can make. Think about...

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