Category: Coronavirus

Conversation With A Nurse
Established in 1974, International Nurses Day has been an annual event that highlights and celebrates the skill and sacrifice of nurses. When the world was plunged into the Coronavirus pandemic in March of 2020, it was nurses and other medical personnel who stepped up to ensure that we were all kept as safe and healthy as possible. This sacrifice was made at the risk of their own health, happiness, and peace. This International Nurses Day, we wanted to get some...
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Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Sleep?
In the last few months, the term “Insomnia” has risen to be one of the most popular Google Search terms. It’s safe to say that COVID-19 has become the driving...
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Is Coronavirus Affecting Your Dreams?
Have you ever had a weird dream? Chances are high that if you weren’t having odd dreams before, you certainly are now. With the rise of Coronavirus, sleep professionals have...
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